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Adopted Comp Plan Value Statements

Auburn's Comprehensive Plan is organized around seven main value statements. The value statements provide a foundation and format for the Comprehensive Plan and its implementation, which includes the development of capital facilities, transportation, and parks and open space plans. The value statements also establish a basis for evaluating future City policies, regulations, actions, investment, budget priorities, grant-seeking priorities, and other community decisions. As such, the value statements can be found in the Core Plan and within each Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The manner in which each Element is consistent with the value statements of the Comprehensive Plan is provided for within each Element.

The seven value statements are:

PlaceCHARACTER means developing and preserving attractive and interesting places where people want to be. We will create and maintain high quality neighborhoods, places, and spaces.
WellnessWELLNESS means the promotion of community-wide health and safety. We will build and maintain an environment that promotes public safety and healthy lifestyle options.
ServiceSERVICE includes providing transparent government service. We will be an efficient, approachable, and responsive City government.
EconomyECONOMY includes encouraging a diverse and thriving marketplace for consumers and businesses. We will provide a diverse and vibrant local economy with employment, retail, and entertainment opportunities for citizens and a growing marketplace for homegrown and regional-scale businesses.
CelebrationCELEBRATION includes celebrating our cultures, heritage, and community. We will celebrate diversity and creativity and come together to teach, learn, and have fun.
EnvironmentENVIRONMENT means stewarding our environment. We will protect the natural environment, preserve open space, and create appropriate access.

SustainabilitySUSTAINABILITY means creating a sustainable future for our community. We will balance natural resource protection, economic prosperity, and cultural vibrancy in order to build a thriving and long-lasting community.

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