Many activities in Auburn require permits or licenses, such as construction, land use, and right of way use for a special event.
- Some properties may have Auburn, Washington within the address
- Some addresses or properties may be outside Auburn city limits
- Some properties may be under the jurisdiction of another government agency
- Some addresses that include Auburn are under the jurisdiction of King County, Kent, or Federal Way
- Please use the interactive map to see if your property is within Auburn city limits and regulated by the City of Auburn
Electronic Submittal
The City of Auburn is now completely electronic! Auburn has joined to provide the highest level of service to our customers. Most applications are being accepted through Get started now by visiting to create an account and apply today. Applications for Right-of-Way Permits, except for applications for Construction Permits, may be submitted to
If you do not find the information you're looking for or have further questions, email the permit center or call 253-931-3090, selecting option 2.
Refer to the City's
Commonly Used Forms page for handouts and example materials for permit applications.
Electrical Permit
- The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries issues all electrical permits for properties located within Auburn city limits.
- More information call 206-835-1000.
- Inspections required
Septic Tank Permit
- An approval from the Seattle King County or Tacoma Pierce County Department of Public Health is required for any new residence that will be served by septic, and for most changes to existing residences currently served by septic systems.
- Visit the King County or Pierce County Health Department website
Business License
If your business is NOT one of the types listed below, please review the information provided on the City's Business Licenses webpage to learn about the business license program updates beginning August 26, 2022.
- Cabarets
- Carnival, circuses, and shows
- Dance licenses
- Massage businesses and health salons
- Outdoor musical entertainment
- Solicitors
- Taxicab and For Hire
- Marijuana related activities
- Mobile Vendors and Food Trucks
- Residential Rental Licenses (this does not include commercial or short-term rental businesses)
To apply for licenses that are not listed above, please go to Open a business | Washington Department of Revenue.
Rental Housing License
- The City requires a rental housing business license for anyone renting a unit, either single-family residential or multi-family residential.
- Apply for license
- Multi-family Manager Training Program*
For more information or to register, please visit
Pet License
Right of Way Permits:
These permits are used when there will be an activity or object placed in the right-of-way (street or sidewalk.) Applications for Right-of-Way Permits listed below. Except for applications for Construction Permits, may be submitted to
Special Event Permit
- For Special Events such as festivals, celebrations, parades, and more.
- More information and Application
- If you are planning a special event that will require the use of public property and affects the ordinary use of public streets, right-of-ways, trails or sidewalks and/or may require additional city services than would normally be provided you may need a special event permit.
Right of Way Use Permit
- Type B Permits are for short term use of the right of way for less than 30 days.
Type C Permits are for long term use of the right of way from 30 days to five years.
- ROW Use Permit Application (PDF)
Banner Permit
- Street banners of a non-political nature, advertising civic events and sponsored by a non-profit organization may be installed at a pre-designated location within the 200 block of East Main Street for a period not to exceed 14-days in duration.
- Banner Permit Application (PDF)
- Banner must be approved for content by City officials.
Construction Permit
- Construction permits are required for a variety of activities that occur in the public right-of-way, usually associated with construction activity.
- Applications for construction permits are processed electronically. Apply at MBP
- Applications for construction permits shall be accompanied by drawings, plans, specifications, and a brief narrative description of the project scope in sufficient detail.
- Any work in the public right-of-way, must be done by a licensed and bonded contractor.
- Construction Permit Guide - Contractor (PDF)
- TCP Checklist for Construction Permits (PDF)
Right-of-Way Vacation Application and Process
- Right-of-Way/Street Vacations are the process by which the City vacates ownership of public right-of-way. This typically occurs in a situation where the City is not using, and never intends to use, a segment of right-of-way.
- ROW Vacation Application and Process (PDF)
- Applicants may wish to meet with City staff in advance of submitting a request for a street vacation in order to learn more about the process.
Memorial Sign Permit
- Memorial signs provide friends and relatives of persons fatally injured in accidents with the opportunity to memorialize them by sponsoring a memorial sign to be erected near the scene of the accident in a safe and consistent manner and combat impaired driving and increase the public's awareness of the need to drive safely and responsibly.
- More information and Application (PDF)
- Approval of City officials required.
Oversized Load Haul Permit
- Permits are required for haul routes that include over height (14'), over length (40'), over width (8'6"), or over weight (20,000 pounds per axle) vehicles. Haul Permits take a minimum of 5 business days to process.
- Oversized Load Haul Permit Application (PDF)
- The applicant must provide a copy of any state approved haul permit for the move, a map of the proposed haul route, as well as indication of the height, width, length, total weight, and number of axles of the vehicle(s) moving the load.
Small Wireless Facilities Permit
Franchise Agreement
- Any utility, cable television, of telecommunications carrier, operator, provider who desires to occupy public ways of the City and to provide utility, cable or telecommunications services to any person or area in the City of outside the City must first obtain a Franchise granting such use and provisions of said service.
- Franchise Application (PDF)
*Attending this class satisfies the City’s Business License Requirement for Multifamily Manager Training. Proof of attendance will be provided.