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Senior Activity Center

Facebook  Follow the Senior Activity Center on Facebook
Our Facebook page is a public page that anyone can visit, you don't have to have a Facebook account. We have been posting on a regular basis during the Pandemic. You will find lots of useful information.
Email   Sign up to be on our email list

Hours of Operation:

Hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.  

Address: 808 Ninth Street SE, Auburn, WA 98002
Phone: 253-931-3016 

Useful Information:

The Auburn Senior Activity Center enhances the quality of life of senior adults 50+ in the Auburn community through social, recreational, health and wellness, educational, and nutritional programs.

Senior Brochure April 2025

Senior Center Brochure (PDF)
Senior Center Menu (PDF)
Senior Center Calendar (PDF)
Parks, Arts & Recreation
Register for Programs
Rental Information 

  • Trips: The Senior Activity Center offers lunch and dinner excursions, short one-day trips which normally require walking, bus tours and overnight and extended travel opportunities. Join us on one of our fun-filled adventures!

  • Recreational opportunities include hiking and nature walks, snowshoeing, kayaking, dance and exercise classes, travel options, volleyball, pickleball, and drop-in play in the pool room.

  • Auburn Senior Activity Center is now offering Resource Navigation services through the South King County Senior Centers & Resources Hub, which is funded through the King County Veterans Seniors Human Services Levy (VSHSL).
  • The Senior Activity Center hosts a variety of special events and luncheon celebrations. We feature lunch Monday-Thursday, a soup and light lunch on Friday, and a monthly social club.

  • A food pantry is offered once a month on the first Thursday. They provide access to a wide variety of items such as cereals, grains, cheeses, spices, raisins, juice and soup at bulk discount prices.

  • Educational and learning opportunities are offered through book club,  Ted Talks, lectures, and art classes.

  • A variety of health and wellness programs are offered each session, including foot care, and massage.

  • On-going social time at the center includes games such as Scrabble, Bingo, Pinochle, Contract Bridge, and puzzles as well as a coffee bar and movie days.

Volunteers Wanted

Stop by or call for the Center at 253-931-3016 to learn what volunteer opportunities are available. Volunteers are key to our success.
Submit an on-line Volunteer Application.