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Our Facebook page is a public page that anyone can visit, you don't have to have a Facebook account. We have been posting on a regular basis during the Pandemic. You will find lots of useful information.
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Hours of Operation:
Hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Address: 808 Ninth Street SE, Auburn, WA 98002
Phone: 253-931-3016
Useful Information:
The Auburn Senior Activity Center enhances the quality of life of senior adults 50+ in the Auburn community through social, recreational, health and wellness, educational, and nutritional programs.

Senior Center Brochure (PDF)
Senior Center Menu (PDF)
Senior Center Calendar (PDF)
Parks, Arts & Recreation
Register for Programs
Rental Information
- Trips: The Senior Activity Center offers lunch and dinner excursions, short one-day trips which normally require walking, bus tours and overnight and extended travel opportunities. Join us on one of our fun-filled adventures!
- Recreational opportunities include hiking and nature walks, snowshoeing, kayaking, dance and exercise classes, travel options, volleyball, pickleball, and drop-in play in the pool room.
Auburn Senior Activity Center is now offering Resource Navigation services through the South King County Senior Centers & Resources Hub, which is funded through the King County Veterans Seniors Human Services Levy (VSHSL).
- The Senior Activity Center hosts a variety of special events and luncheon celebrations. We feature lunch Monday-Thursday, a soup and light lunch on Friday, and a monthly social club.
- A food pantry is offered once a month on the first Thursday. They provide access to a wide variety of items such as cereals, grains, cheeses, spices, raisins, juice and soup at bulk discount prices.
- Educational and learning opportunities are offered through book club, Ted Talks, lectures, and art classes.
- A variety of health and wellness programs are offered each session, including foot care, and massage.
- On-going social time at the center includes games such as Scrabble, Bingo, Pinochle, Contract Bridge, and puzzles as well as a coffee bar and movie days.
Volunteers Wanted
Stop by or call for the Center at 253-931-3016 to learn what volunteer opportunities are available. Volunteers are key to our success.
Submit an on-line Volunteer Application.