Once a complaint has been received, our officers will begin to investigate the concerns. This may include a review of previous violations, a phone call to the property owner, a site visit or a combination of approaches. If it is determined that a violation exists, our staff will work with the property owner to address the areas needing correction. Depending upon the property owner we are working with, you may see results immediately or it may take a while to correct. Whenever we approach a property owner for the first time we always offer an opportunity for them to voluntarily comply without incurring penalties and fines. This is because the City is more interested in achieving compliance than penalizing property owners and collecting fines. This is effective for most violations, however, there are times where a property owner doesn't take advantage of this opportunity.
In those less common circumstances Code Enforcement begins a formal process of establishing mandated timelines for compliance where fines and penalties incur when progress is not made. Unfortunately, even though the City may be taking these actions the violation may still be present which may make you feel as though nothing is happening. All property owners are protected under constitutional rights which means that enforcement procedures provide everyone with due process but process can take time before results are achieved. You are always welcome to follow up with our office should you have questions, would like to inquire about the status of a case, or if you have additional concerns.