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Position No. 6
City Council Duties
The City Council is the seven-member legislative body for the City of Auburn.
One of Council's main duties is the enactment of the City's annual budget. City Council sets fiscal policies and approves all spending, whether for operations (e.g., salaries) or capital items, e.g. major equipment purchases, street repairs, or other public improvements.
The regulation of land use, including the creation and amendment of zoning laws, is another significant responsibility.
While most of the proposed laws which come before City Council are referred by the Administration, City Council may also initiate legislation itself. City Council members will often propose new programs at the suggestion of City residents.
City Council members also respond annually to thousands of constituent requests, filling a crucial oversight role in the delivery of basic City services to the public.
View the City Council Rules of Procedure (PDF)
In addition to these duties, the City Council makes decisions regarding the following:
- Approving City real estate transactions
- Issuing municipal bonds
- Approving fees and charges, such as utility fees, recreation and cultural arts
- Adopting State & Federal legislation
- Confirming City department heads and volunteer members of City Boards and commissions
- Conducting an annual independent audit of the City's finances
- Councilmembers represent the City at county, regional, state and federal committees, forums and task forces as assigned