Business Licenses are required under Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations | Auburn City Code and all rules and requirements may be found online as outlined within Sections ACC 5.10.010 - 5.84.070. The purpose of the license is to identify, authorize, track and report various commerce enterprises operating lawfully within the City of Auburn and to provide emergency contact information to emergency personnel.
Have a question? We’re eager to help! 253-931-3090. or [email protected].
The City of Auburn is now partnered with the Washington State Department of Revenue Business Licensing Service (BLS).
Do I apply for my Auburn license or endorsement through the city directly or the state??
Residential rental, mobile vending / food truck, marijuana, massage, and a few other regulatory licenses apply or renew directly through the city. All other licenses are renewed and applied for through the state Business License Services (BLS). If you are unsure where to renew or apply, review Tab Two below to ensure there is no delay in the processing of your renewal or new business license / endorsement application.