Non-Criminal Activity Reporting
If reporting a crime or case number refer to section below:
Report a Crime/Request a Case Number
- Identity Theft: fraudulent use of checks, credit cards, financial information, credit, money, goods, services, or anything of value; no known suspects. If suspect is known, call 911.
(Note: If you are a victim of tax fraud by someone filing taxes under your name, do not submit a report here, contact the IRS. The IRS will take your report.)
- Unwanted phone calls of an annoying, harassing or threatening nature
- Property is missing or lost
- Your property was taken without your permission, and there are no known suspects
- Theft of personal property from vehicle (not vehicle parts or accessories); no known suspects
- Theft of auto parts or accessories; no known suspects
- Bicycle is stolen; no known suspects
- Burglaries
- Theft of services/shoplift
- The act of changing, modifying or defacing/damaging public or private property
- Prowling around/in a vehicle; no suspects; nothing missing; no vandalism to vehicle
Start here to file an online police report.

For concerns with
- Fence/Guardrail
- Graffiti
- Illegal Dumping
- Shopping Cart
- Storm Drainage
- Sanitary Sewer
- Street Lighting
- Street Sign
- Street/Road/Pothole
- Traffic Signal
- Tree/Vegetation
- Water
You can file an online report to the City of Auburn Public Works department below:
Start here to Report An Issue.

NOTE: For concerns involving public nuisances that may include junked vehicles on private property, tall grass and weeds, junk, etc. please visit the Code Enforcement page.