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The City of Auburn Utilities Department manages the City's wastewater, which is all the water that leaves the inside of your home or business and enters Auburn's system. Wastewater then flows through city-owned and maintained pipes and pump stations into King County's regional sewerage system where it receives treatment to meet federal and state water quality standards.


Sanitary sewer customers pay monthly fees for service based upon Auburn and King County rates. For questions concerning billing, contact the Utility Billing Division either by email or by phone at 253-931-3038. The rate billed for King County's services is meant to cover conveyance, treatment, and disposal of wastewater and biosolids. Auburn's portion of the monthly bill covers those costs associated with repair and maintenance of the city-owned sewer facilities. View the current Monthly Rates.

Maintenance and Repair

The City is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the City's sanitary sewer system. If you notice wastewater running out of a manhole or have a plugged side sewer please notify Maintenance & Operations at 253-931-3048. The City will respond to ensure that the public sewer mains are operating correctly. After normal working hours, calls should be directed to the 911 emergency operators.

Property owners are responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of their side sewers as they run from the residence to the property line; however any blockage that you have should be brought to the City's attention so that we may help assist with its resolution. For more information regarding your home's side sewer, please refer to the handout on Residential Side Sewers.

A permit is required for any repair, replacement, or installation of side sewers. Permits are obtained from the City's Permit Center.

2024 Comprehensive Sewer Plan - Part 1 (PDF)

2024 Comprehensive Sewer Plan - Appendices (PDF)

FOG (Fats, Oils, and Grease) Control Plan

All businesses that process or serve food will be required to have an approved FOG Control Plan on file in order to receive a business license or business license renewal. More information on the FOG Reduction Program can be found on the FOG Reduction Program webpage.

All customers, not just restaurants should eliminate or limit the amount of FOG discharged into the sewer system. Those substances are major contributors to problems in both side sewers and public sewers. FOG should not be disposed of in a sink or toilet or any other drain in your home. FOG should be placed into a watertight container and placed into a solid waste (garbage) container.

King County Medicine Return Program

Medicines flushed down the drain are often not removed from wastewater by conventional treatment processes. Those medicines will find their way to outfalls in the Puget Sound where they can affect wildlife. Residents can safely dispose of the medicines they no longer need by taking them to a drop-box. Mail-back envelopes are also available for residents that are home bound or have limited mobility. There is no cost to residents to use this service. Visit Washington State - Medicine Disposal Program Website for more information.