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Utility Billing Customer Service


You can pay your utility bill from the City of Auburn in one of several ways:

  1. Create an online account and/or pay your bill.
  2. Register your account to pay online or view your monthly billing. You will need your account number and a valid email address.
  3. Pay through Quick Payment. (Do not need a registered account). 
  • Mail
    Send in your payment to the address listed on your invoice or to:
    City of Auburn
    Attn: Utility Billing
    25 West Main St.
    Auburn, WA 98001

  • In Person
    Drop off in one of our convenient drop boxes located at City Hall (25 West Main St.) or in person at the Customer Service Center, 1 East Main Street, 2nd Floor (located in the Annex Building just east of City Hall, across Division Street). Open 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Monday - Friday).

  • Pay by Phone
    Call 253-931-3038, Option #1 during normal business hours using a MasterCard or VISA. Please have your account number (XXXXXX-000) ready when paying with our automated phone system. Do not use the speaker option on a cell phone.
    Entering account number: Enter the first 6 numbers and push #, enter the next 3 numbers and push #. Example: Enter 090605#, then 000#.
  • Automatic Payment Deduction
    Customers can have their monthly balance deducted directly from their checking or savings account. Simply fill out the Automated Payment Authorization form and submit it online.
    • The form may also be printed out and mailed with all items to:
      City of Auburn Utility Department
      25 West Main Street,
      Auburn WA 98001
    • The form may also be dropped off at the Customer Service Center at 1 East Main Street, 2nd Floor (located in the Annex Building just east of city hall, across Division Street). 

UTILITY REFUNDS: All utility refunds shall be processed through the finance department by issuance of a check after Council approval. Utility payment voids or errors of credit/debit card transactions will be processed via credit/debit card. 

ESTIMATED/FINAL BILL REQUESTS FOR ESCROW COMPANIES: Our payoff requests are provided via WebCheck; an electronic utility and lien search company. There is a $25 charge for all escrow estimates. Start a WebCheck search.

EXCESSIVE HEAT POLICY:  If the National Weather Service (NWS) issues a heat related warning or advisory that includes Auburn, Washington, a resident may request restoration of water service that has been disconnected for non-payment.

To seek reconnection or for any questions about restoring water service during NWS heat alerts, contact the city at or 253-931-3038. 

If the city restores water, any past due amount and related fees will again be due prior to the city’s next scheduled water shut-off date. If payment is not received, water service will be disconnected, and a shutoff fee will be charged to the account.   

If the heat advisory occurs over a weekend, residents need to call the City’s non-emergency number, 253-288-2121, for water restoration.

Utility Forms

City of Auburn Water Usage Customer Portal

The City of Auburn is ready to launch our new Water Usage Customer Portal. The Customer Portal allows online access to your water usage data. You can set alerts to notify you when water use reaches above your selected threshold.

Website: Water Usage Customer Portal


The City of Auburn provides the following services depending on your address:

Find information regarding your water, sewer, storm and/or garbage services. Please take a look at the following brochure and call us if you have any questions at 253-931-3038. 

Setting up service

To set up service at your home or business for water, sewer and/or storm drainage services:

  • New Owners: Fill out an Application for Utility Services or call 253-931-3038, Option #2.
  • New Tenants: A Tenant Release form is required to set up a Tenant/Owner account.
    • Tenant Release (To be filled-out and submitted by the property owner or manager.)

Utility Rates

Water, sewer, and storm rates for residential and commercial customers:

Per City Ordinance No. 6801, the amount billed includes a tax of 10% calculated on the gross revenue of the water, sewer, stormwater, and solid waste utilities.

Utility Discount & Rebate Information

2025-2026 Utility DISCOUNT Information:

The City of Auburn offers reduced utility rates to seniors 62 years of age or older whose annual income level does not exceed the amount allowed for very low income as defined by the Department of Housing & Urban Development. This discount is also provided within the same financial limitations for customers who are permanently disabled as verified by a physician. 

2025 Utility REBATE Information:

The City of Auburn offers a one-time a year utility rebate to seniors 62 years of age or older whose annual income level does not exceed the amount allowed for very low income as defined by the Department of Housing & Urban Development. This rebate is also provided within the same financial limitations for customers who are permanently disabled as verified by a physician. 

*** 2024 Rebate application time period closed May 31, 2024. The next application time period will be May 1-31, 2025.

How to Apply:

Follow the instructions, complete the application, submit all information requested, and return by one of the methods below. 

Mail To:

City of Auburn - Utility Billing
25 West Main St.
Auburn, WA 98001  

Drop off in-Person:
City of Auburn - Customer Service Center
1 East Main St., 2nd Floor


Discounts offered by other agencies:

Comcast Cable:  As part of its cable franchise, the City of Auburn negotiated a discount on Comcast basic cable service for eligible subscribers. Customers are not eligible for the discount if they are receiving any promotional offer or if their services are incorporated into a value package. 

How to apply:  Use the forms and application progress above for the 2025-2026 Utility Discount.