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Mayor Backus Photo

Nancy Backus, Auburn's first female mayor since its 1891 incorporation, began her mayoral term in 2014. Prior, she spent a decade as an Auburn city councilmember and 25 years as a financial manager at Boeing. Holding an accounting degree, she's a dedicated wife and mother to a high-achieving daughter who graduated from Evergreen State College.

Committed to community service and women's empowerment, Backus received awards like Soroptimist International's Women Helping Women (2002), Miss Auburn Scholarship Program's Lifetime Achievement (2013), and the 2014 BPW Woman of Achievement. Her accolades also include Boeing's BCFP Manager of the Year (2011) and the AMA Dr. Nathan Davis Award for Outstanding Government Service.

Known for regional consensus-building, Backus co-convened One Table with King County Executive Dow Constantine and former Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan. One Table unites various stakeholders to address homelessness and housing affordability issues.

She's active on boards and committees advocating for Auburn's interests, including:

  • All Home Coordinating Board
  • Association of Washington Cities
    Large City Advisory Committee
    Legislative Committee
  • Cities & Schools 
  • Greater Seattle Partners 
    Leadership Board Vice Chair
  • I-405/SR 167 Executive Advisory Group
  • King County Flood Control District Advisory Committee
  • National League of Cities
    Race, Equity & Leadership Council
    Community & Economic Development Committee 
  • Puget Sound Regional Council 
    Executive Board
  • Regional Policy Committee
  • Regional Homeless Governance Authority
  • Sound Cities Association
    Board of Directors
    Public Issues Committee
    Events Committee
    Legislative Priorities Committee
  • South Sound Affordable Housing Partners (SSHAP)
  • Sound Transit
    Board of Directors
    System Expansion Committee 
    Finance & Audit Committee Chair
  • South Correctional Entity Regional Jail (SCORE) 
    Board of Directors
  • South King Housing & Homeless Partners (SKHHP)
  • U.S. Conference of Mayors
    Tourism, Arts, Parks, Entertainment & Sports Committee; 
    Community Development & Housing
    Veterans Affairs Taskforce
  • Valley Communications Center
    Board of Directors  
  • Valley Regional Fire Authority (VRFA)
    Board of Governance
    Finance Committee 

Current term began: Jan. 1, 2022
Current term ends: Dec. 31, 2025


Mayor Nancy Backus
City of Auburn
25 West Main St.
Auburn, WA 98001

253-931-3041 (p)
253-288-3132 (f)
Email Mayor Nancy Backus (e)
Podcast - That's So Auburn!

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Mayor Duties

The mayor is the chief executive and administrative officer of the city, in charge of all departments and employees, with authority to designate assistants and department heads (In accordance with Chapter 2.30 ACC.) Other duties include:

  • Sees that all laws and ordinances are faithfully enforced and that law and order is maintained in the city;
  • Has general supervision of the administration of city government and all city interests;
  • Negotiates the terms of and/or award contracts falling within the scope of the mayor’s authority pursuant to ACC 3.10.020 (Purchasing Policy) and sees that all contracts and agreements made with the city or for its use and benefit are faithfully kept and performed;
  • Negotiates agreements to complete the acquisition of real property pursuant to ACC 3.10.020;
  • Presides over all meetings of the city council, when present, but shall have a vote only in the case of a tie in the votes of the council members;
  • Makes recommendations for council consideration and action;
  • Prepares and submit to the council a proposed budget, as required by Chapter 35A.33 RCW;
  • Has the power to veto ordinances passed by the council and submitted to the mayor as provided in RCW 35A.12.130;
  • Develops and brings to the city council for approval pilot programs that promote and encourage the city council’s goal of sustainability, seeking to balance and support the needs of the community, the environment, the economy, and the needs of future generations (As stated in Resolution No. 4368);
  • Appoints, and at their pleasure may remove, all city appointive officers, subject to the provisions of any applicable law, rule or regulation pertaining to civil service, state law or city ordinances;
  • Has power to administer oaths and affirmations, take affidavits and certify them;
  • Signs all conveyances made by the city and all instruments which require the city seal. (Ord. 6191 § 2, 2008; 1957 code § 1.03.050.);
  • Has general supervision over the several departments of the city government and over all its interests;
  • Has general administrative and investigative authority provided by state statutes, city ordinances and as not in conflict with state law;
  • Has authority to approve expenditures in accordance with ACC 3.10.020 and/or as otherwise provided. (Ord. 5778 § 1, 2003; 1957 code § 1.03.080.);
  • Is responsible for the coordination of the activities of the various city departments, boards and commissions to eliminate waste and duplication of efforts;
  • Is responsible for the preparation of agendas for the meetings of the council and of the various boards, commissions and committees of the city for consideration by the council;
  • Ensures the timely publishing of notices for meetings and for public hearings for the meetings of the council and the various boards, commissions and committees of the city, and for setting the dates and times for said public hearings, (Ord. 6532 § 1, 2014; Ord. 6405 § 1, 2012; Ord. 5761 § 1, 2003.)