We want your feedback!
Parks & Recreation Open Space Map Survey: Start Survey Now
The City of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Department is beginning the process of updating the Parks & Recreation Open Space Plan (PROS) and will be looking for citizen input in the coming months. Keep an eye out for things such as QR codes at parks, online surveys, and email blasts. To get more information or to follow along email [email protected] to get on the Parks email list. Surveys will help the City understand how individuals currently use the park system, what other amenities should be added, and what type of activities and programs are of interest to citizens. More information can be found online at www.auburnwa.gov/parks.
Following-up on the City’s previous text survey for the PROS plan update, a map-based survey has been prepared that allows you to mark-up on an aerial map where you would like to see things such as trails, sport fields, etc. As is with the previous survey, your input will provide meaningful insights to guide the next 6-10 years of parks and recreation activities and improvements. Scroll to the bottom of page 3 of 5 for tips on how to add to the map.
Your input and feedback is vital into our planning process. Almost a thousand people have taken the initial park survey and shared with us how they currently use the park system, what other amenities you would like to see in Auburn, and what type of activities and programs are of interest to you.
The PROS Plan includes a six-year plan and 20-year vision for Auburn’s park system. It outlines goals and objectives, implementation strategies, capital improvements, and investment programs for the City’s parks, recreation and open space system. The Plan also will provide guidelines and direction for the City in terms of acquiring, developing and preserving property, accepting property donations, and identifying potential funding sources and other actions enabling the City to respond to opportunities in a timely fashion. The Plan will identify the action steps needed in our park and recreation systems to ensure that these systems are an integral part of the City’s economic development strategy. The last plan was updated in 2015.
For additional information about the Parks and Recreation Open Space Planning efforts, or to provide comments or suggestions, email the address above, or Thaniel Gouk, Parks Planning and Development Manager at [email protected].