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Community Matching Grants

Matching Grant Application

Program Overview

The City of Auburn's Neighborhood Programs strives to create and maintain safe and friendly neighborhoods that keep Auburn a great place to work, live and raise a family. The Community Matching Grant is a program offered to support partnerships between the City of Auburn and community groups and organizations to produce resident-initiated projects. A community in Auburn identifies a project they would like to complete and determines what they are able to contribute (cash, volunteer hours, in-kind services, etc.) and then applies for a cash grant from the City to match the amount provided by that community. The City awards funds based on the benefits the proposed projects generate for Auburn residents, with a maximum of $2,500 per community.

What types of projects can this Grant be used for? 

  • Beautification projects
  • Clean-up activities
  • Art projects, especially those that reflect the people of the neighborhood
  • Projects that address a particular neighborhood issue or concern
  • Projects that help organize neighborhood groups and promote civic engagement
  • Projects that engage the diverse populations within the targeted project area
  • Community events to bring residents together

What are some examples of projects?

This Grant cannot be used for projects that are not in compliance with laws and regulations governing the city, county and state. 

What is the maximum amount a group can apply for?

Each community can apply for up to $2,500 per community improvement project each calendar year.

Community Matching Grant Program Process

What does the process for the Grant look like?

  • Community group fills out an application and submits it by the deadline (March 31)
  • Application is reviewed by appropriate City staff using a scoring rubric to determine eligibility.

If the application is selected:

  • Applicant will sign a contract with the City of Auburn that outlines the project and earmarks funding for the project
  • Applicant will complete the project within the calendar year
  • Applicant will submit receipts to the City
    • Receipts must be submitted by mid-December
  • Receipts that reflect costs related to the project (as outlined in the application/contract) will be reimbursed
  • Once reimbursement is approved, City of Auburn’s Finance Department will mail a check to the applicant

If the application is not selected:

  • The community group is welcome to re-apply for the following year
  • The Neighborhood Programs Coordinator will provide feedback and/or the rubric and notes from the selection process internally 

Thinking of applying for a Grant? Here are some things to consider: 

  • The applicants must either be a part of an incorporated entity (like an HOA) or partner with an organization.
  • If you are not a part of an incorporated entity, the City can work with you to try to find a partner organization, but there are no guarantees that one will be available.
  • Community groups must be inclusive of all residents who would like to participate.

How does a community apply?

Applications for each program year will open in January and be due by the end of March. Projects will be reviewed by staff and selected based on their adherence to the guidelines. Applicants who do not receive funding are welcome to re-apply the following year.

Application Documents

Important Documents

Proposals must be made on the application form provided by the City. Telephone or verbal requests will not be considered. If you or someone from your community needs help filling out the application in a language other than English, please contact us to receive translation services.

Submit completed applications via mail or email: